We celebrated H………. 2 month birthday yesterday with an adventure to a local carnival. She was the star of the show and was a perfect little lady.
She’s learned to “come”, “sit “, “stay” and “gentle”. We are working on giving me her paw. She gets it 3 out of 5 times. “Heel” is coming along too.
She’s very smart and seems to be settling in nicely. She also LOVES her puff-puff, but don’t worry, we watch her while she plays with it. As you can see, she has already grown some!
Hope your whole brood is well.

Just a note of gratitude for our best girl. She is the heart of our family, comes with us everywhere (and is the best car rider!!!) We love her so much, and thank you so much for trusting her with us!! I hope you are well! Wishing you a beautiful summer!!

Hope you’re well. I’m writing with the extremely sad news of the passing of our Coco. She was just shy of her 14th birthday and they’ve been the very best years of our lives. Coco made our family complete and as devastated as we are, we feel so blessed that we had the gift of her love for so long. Thank you!!! She was the very best! There’s a deep hole in our hearts.
Here’s a photo from 2008!
P R – 2020

We have been blessed with Tucker he will be 10 yrs young in Jan. Thank you Gale for this healthy loving, loyal, intelligent & wonderful family member. Please keep us posted from time to time with your pups. I am so glad my son and I stopped by to your pups back then.

Hey Gale Happy New Year!!!!! J is doing incredible!!! 6 months old 66lbs.. I am starting to get him involved in Schutzhund training, he is a natural. The trainer we are using is very impressed with his drive to work………We really couldn’t be any happier.

It is nice to hear from you. We can’t believe that it’s been two years since we got Buddy from you!
We absolutely adore him. He is the sweetest and most affectionate dog that we’ve ever had. He always wants to be around us and is definitely a great companion for my husband who works from home all day. He’s gentle with my 10 year old daughter when she plays too rough. He likes to help me wash the dishes and do the laundry. He always wants to be involved.
Sometimes we take him to visit my sister and her dogs and he’s great with them too. There’s not a mean bone in his body and he never growls. He is just a happy-go-lucky dog with anyone that he has contact with. He’s wonderful and a great addition to
our family.
We got the back yard fenced in for him to run and play and a huge doggy bed for him to sleep right next to us at night. Although most nights he just sleeps with us. His favorite things are his toy cloth dinosaur, ice cubes, and cuddles in the morning. On Sundays, we put a little chopped up chicken with his food and he couldn’t be happier.
We can’t thank you enough for Buddy. We are truly blessed.
Buddy is a beautiful dog.

Happy early 4th of July. Your friends from Ct.

Bella is growing, she will be 4 months this weekend… They are best friends:)
L S and Paul on Camping Trip

Hi Gale,
Mommy & I have begun another camping season. I decided against a hot air balloon ride but I did enjoy sitting around the campfire and hanging out with my best dog friend Mindy.
Timber (Paul)
D S – 2014 Female 1 1/2 years old

She..had her hips X-Rayed ans she is fine. She is affectionate and a good girl! We love her! We take her with us on vacation to S.C.she is a good traveler.

Gale I just have to tell you how wonderful our puppy is!, He has had hardly any accidents and is always quiet in his crate. I get up twice in the night and take him outside and he holds till then and only went once in his crate ( my fault for not staying outside longer) he is a ball of energy and loves meeting new people. We named him Hank to honor Sharon’s Dad who passed last year. He really has adapted well to new environment. Jed is still a little unsure of whats going on and the puppy love to chase him. This new chapter has a great start and I thank you.
Here is some pictures from today, He’s 50# now and such a great guy! We are going to puppy school for socialization and solidifying commands he already knows, (he’s so far ahead of class) He’s fond of stealing our shoes but doesn’t chew them up like the others so we think it’s funny. Thank you again and look forward to meeting with you again someday.
P R – 2020

We have been blessed with Tucker he will be 10 yrs young in Jan. Thank you Gale for this healthy loving, loyal, intelligent & wonderful family member. Please keep us posted from time to time with your pups. I am so glad my son and I stopped by to your pups back then.

Good morning
Just reaching out and letting you know how happy we are to have Shadow in our family! He is such an amazing dog! Super smart! We are learning basic commands! And growing very beautifully and very fast ha ha! We are go on lots of short walks. He is getting so big and I LOVE it! He is 4 months on the 3rd of May and already has the one ear up and the other one down. Just thought it was cute I know they come up and down but I’m curious to see how he grows into his ears.
Anyway we are very thankful for our pup! Have a great weekend!

Hope all is well. Wanted to send a quick picture of Ladys first birthday! We love her so much and has bought so much joy to our lives!

Hope you are well! Just wanted to send a note of thanks for breeding such a wonderful dog as mine. Trudi (we call her Masie) is a year and a half old now and is just a joy to have as part of my family. She brings joy every day wherever we go. Couldn’t love her more! Here’s a picture from last weekend. She also happens to be a beautiful example of the breed – and many people (strangers!) also tell me so as we walk and play here in Brooklyn and upstate in Sullivan County on weekends.
All the best!
B A – At The Office

He’s a wonderful, handsome, intelligent bundle of love. Zak exhibits a strong but loving personality. House breaking is coming along too. We’ll keep you updated.
Best regards.

As we are approaching his 5th birthday next week, I thought i’d share a few pictures! Never had such an incredible dog. My father showed me the female you have available and I beggged and pleaded but unfortunately we aren’t ready right now…anyway, most beautiful sheps I’ve ever seen! Couldn’t thank you enough.
S F – New Pup with their Older Dog

Here are some pictures of our amazing baby boy. Take care and talk to you soon.
T S – Pennsylvania

Hello Gale,
I love the puppies, they look gorgeous. I would be most interested in adopting another puppy from you. We think the world of this puppy, he is so obedient and a beautiful boy- sweetheart. He is just a delight with having work and pleasure as he is a worker that wants to please.
P K – Two Years Old

Wanted to reach out to you as I’m currently seeking a companion for Sarge. He will be 2 next month, interested in a female at least year or older that is crate and house trained. Should you hear of anyone having to re-home their pet would ask you keep me in mind.
R Y-W J – 4 1/2 Month Old Puppy With Family

We are so grateful to you to give us this opportunity to be a pack with her. Thanking you and thinking of you everyday!
R Y-W J – 9 Week Old Pup, Playing In The Snow

I just would like to let you know that many people in the class complimented on Seele. They keep telling us that how beautiful she is and they even have to stop by to say “hi” to her whenever they have a chance. One of the GSD owners told us the other day that Seele’s beauty is not only her looks, but also her movement. He said that is not what you could teach but is born to be with. He just could not help telling us that how beautiful she was and he even said “If I could have another puppy, I would steal your pup!”. I have to say again your GSD has something really special!! Thank you so much!!
C G – Texas

Noisette is very affectionate and jealously protective of her new group. It is a learning experience for all of us. In many ways she is still a puppy, so Rex, more with all his experience does put a stop on her when he has had it.
Both dogs are not only beautiful to look at, but also it is so nice when you get home and they are expecting you and cannot wait until you get out of the car. Or when we are with them outside, which is constantly, they just join our gatherings and blend in.
R A – pup 4 1/2 months

She is doing well, she just completed her teething period. She has this nice soft hair around her neck and ears that look like a mane. I like it and worry that it will eventually go away.
R A – pup 12 weeks playing with family kids

Here is picture when she was younger. She was playing with the children…..she was wearing rubber booties.
R E – 2014 IN MEMORY (lived to be 14 years)- Desco ( pictured at 14 weeks )

I am writing to with heart felt sorrow that our beloved Desco has passed suddenly yesterday afternoon. He was the liter of Zabu and Bonnie . We are so devistated with the lost of one of most amazing dogs we have ever know, anyone who has the pleasure to meet Desco always said “what a great german shepard” he was loved by so many people whos lives he had touched, he became my childrens best friend. Thank you for one of the most amazing loving dogs I have ever had the pleasure to love.
C V – first meeting – Justin (9 yr old grandchild) with Retired Breed Female

S and J male pup at 6.5 mos with friend

Here is our beautiful and intelligent dog with our other / older dog. He is so smart and quick to learn new things. His favorites are to run, hike, watch the Deer with his friend, and lay at my feet. He is very protective of and most gentle with my 3 small human children.
Thank you for this total joy and amazing pup!
V P One year old on trip with owner

We are soo crazy about him!
Warmest regards,

She is the best dog – I know people always say that about their dog, but Jesse (what we call her) really is just the best at everything. She is just so gentle, smart and so good around kids. Sometimes I almost feel like she’s human! Looking for another pup from you.

I thought I would send you some pictures of my puppy…she is just gorgeous and her markings are exquisite. We have started training with her two weeks ago with a certified trainer. Our ultimate goal is “off-leash”. Her temperament is just remarkable. I bring her everywhere I can to make sure we socialize with lots of different environments. She loves car rides and is super smart. She picks up really fast.
Here are some pics. As you know she will be turning four months this week and is growing into quite the beauty. Thanks so much for breeding such lovely GSD’s. So many breeders have lost their ways and have lost the integrity of the GSD but when I met mom I knew immediately…

Thought you’d appreciate these. He is the most gentle boy in the world. They have the most unbelievable relationship- so thank you!:)